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What is Reiki?

Our bodies have energy in and around them in the form of the chakras, qi, chi, meridians, nadis, biofield and aura. Every living thing has it. Just as blood flows through the body, so too does energy. Negative emotions, experiences or events can cause blockages in this energetic field. We feel these in the form of aches or pains that are held in the body. If not addressed these stuck energies can become chronic and eventually create dis-ease in the body. Reiki is a universal life force energy that works to gently loosen and release blockages in the energy field to support the body’s natural healing process.

Reiki is a type of energy healing which was developed in Japan in the 1920’s by Mikao Usui. Reiki is a “complementary” therapy that can be implemented alongside all other medical and therapeutic techniques. It is a gentle technique that is suitable for even very fragile patients, so it is accepted widely in hospitals and hospices around the world. The profound relaxation produced by Reiki has been anecdotally reported to alleviate anxiety and stress, the perception of pain, and to promote a feeling of psychospiritual well-being.

When we are hurt in a relationship, we feel it in our heart. When we are nervous, our legs tremble and our bladder clenches. When there is tension in a particular part of our being, the tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus and communicated to the parts of the physical and energy body. When the tension continues over a period of time or reaches a particular degree of intensity, it creates a symptom on the physical level and requires chakra balancing or unblocking to resolve. Again, the symptom serves to communicate to us through our body what we have been doing to ourselves in our consciousness.

Just like with thirst, by the time we feel thirsty, we are already dehydrated. The physical symptom belies a long-standing energy body imbalance. In order to reverse it, physical change may be required first as well as chakra and energy healing practices. When we change something about our way of being, we can release the stress that has been creating the symptom(s), and then we can return to our natural state of balance and health. Where we feel the stress depends therefore on why we feel the stress.

Reiki can balance and unblock chakras and help to loosen the stuck energies in the energy body through gentle touch. Reiki involves lightly laying of hands just above or on the clothed body, working over the body in a slow progression of hand positions. The treatment will likely focus on the area of discomfort and may also include other areas that the practitioner feels guided to. Reiki has no religious doctrine and is accepted by people from all backgrounds and belief systems.

It is normal to feel one or more mild sensations in the body during the session such as heat, cold, tingling or vibrating. Many just feel relaxed and calm. Since Reiki works on spiritual, emotional and physical levels, emotions may come to the surface during the session or even afterwards for a day or so. It is recommended to drink plenty of water following a treatment to aid the body in the flushing of toxins.

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